BI&I has created the most comprehensive all-in-one databases as a cloud solution for the hospital sector in Germany by combining information from a wide range of publicly available sources. The intuitive surface of our cloud solution takes into account the different perspectives of the players (hospitals, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies, consulting firms, science, payers and politics) in this highly complex market.
- Case numbers by diagnoses, operations and procedures per hospital/location and department (source: G-BA, quality reports according to § 108 SGB V).
- Longitudinal information at all levels
- National statistics, e.g. age and gender by diagnoses, operations and procedures
- Structures of purchasing groups
- Structures of pharmacies supplying hospitals
- Reimbursement costs at department level (DRG cost matrix; source: InEK)
- Geo visualisation of potentials, including own area structures
- Geo visualisation of the population structure at the local level of a hospital
- Key performance indicators (KPIs) of the owner companies
- Analysis of the local competitive situation of a hospital
- etc.
Examples of types of analyses ...
Key figure benchmarking (national/local), competition analyses, geo analyses, potential analyses, market analyses, DRG analyses.
The subject of the analyses are, among other things ...
Case numbers by diagnoses, operations, procedures per specialist department (inpatient/outpatient), staff, material, hospital equipment, corporate success of the owning companies, population structures, cost structures (aG-DRG) and much more